First things first…I guess I will tell you a little about myself. Normally, I’m not a big fan of self-disclosure and would rather not divulge all the details of my life. But I am going to assume that probably not very many people will be reading this, and if you are reading my blog, you are probably overly curious, miserably bored or easily entertained. I recently had a birthday, 27 years to be exact. It wasn’t such a joyous day to realize that I’m quickly approaching my late-20s to early-30s. However, I do feel extremely blessed to be alive another year. More introductions…most people start off by saying what they do for a living, so I suppose I will follow suit. I am a graphic designer, which essentially means that I pretty things up and make things look better. Graphic design is actually not what I studied in college, but I’ve always naturally gravitated toward the field, and employers found my work acceptable enough to hire me. So here I am…a professional graphic designer. I love creative and imaginative design and definitely appreciate aesthetic beauty.
I am also a newlywed, enjoying a little over a year of marriage. My husband is a software developer and a little bit of a self-proclaimed nerd, which I find kind of endearing. If you ever have any questions about Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or video games, he can probably tell you everything you’d ever want to know. We have one dog-child together, Natalie, a four-pound Yorkie who thinks she’s a Great Dane. She’s a little bit spoiled and is a bit of a princess-diva dog. We live a simple suburban life in Edmond, Oklahoma, and look forward to the little time we have together everyday.
I strive to be a Christ follower but feel like it’s a constant struggle to grow spiritually and lead a consistent godly life. In addition, I am quite far from being labeled a domestic diva, much to my husband’s dismay, but am also trying to improve in this arena. The shiny cooking appliances and tools from our wedding sit in our cabinets waiting to have their day of glory, but I am hopeful that this will change once I’m done with graduate school.
Some of the things I’m quite fond of include: traveling and planning vacations, photography, all things design-related, shopping and finding good deals, trying and learning new things (whether it’s a new restaurant or new activity, I’m usually up for it), Zumba and going to fitness classes at the gym, spending time with family and friends, watching my guilty-pleasure of reality television (mainly just The Bachelor and So You Think You Can Dance), frozen yogurt, cute chick flicks, anything involving weddings, naps and sleep in general, playing with my dog, and having free time.