Friday, August 7, 2009

Back to school

It’s the beginning of August, which means you can’t go into Target or Wal-Mart without being inundated by the colorful displays of notebooks, folders, and other various Hannah Montana or Spiderman branded paraphernalia. Yes, it’s back-to-school time…a time that signals the end of summer…a time that still brings a sense of dread and anxiousness. This year will probably be my last time to be going back to school, unless I decide to get another degree.

So no fun colorful binders and scented erasers for me; it’s my last semester of graduate school. Although it’s been rewarding and challenging to be back in the academic setting, it’s also been a major adjustment and time commitment. The hundreds of pages of reading, the countless papers and projects, the studying and group meetings…these things, I will surely not miss. I look forward to December when I will regain my freedom and gain a coveted MBA degree and education that will hopefully be beneficial to me in the future.

Anyways, today I found a really neat site where you can rent college textbooks. It’s called Chegg, and I would be interested to see if it’s really worth it. It looks fairly simple, where you rent the book you need, you get it in the mail, return it for free after you’re done, and they plant a tree for every book you rent. Not only do you save money (65% to 85% according to the Web site), but you’re also being green and saving some trees. You can also sell old textbooks on the Web site and connect with other users with Facebook.

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